
Results found: (10)

SARs: New glossary codes

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, June 2020): Michelle Thorp, CEOKevin Hellard, PresidentAn update from HMRCWarning about Insolvency Practitioner identity fraud and scam websitesJob Vacancy: Deputy Chief InspectorIPA Members LinkedIn groupJoin an IPA CommitteeSARs…

Warning about Insolvency Practitioner identity fraud and scam websites

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, June 2020): Michelle Thorp, CEOKevin Hellard, PresidentAn update from HMRCJob Vacancy: Deputy Chief InspectorIPA Members LinkedIn groupJoin an IPA CommitteeSARs: New glossary codesSARs online submissions: User updateSARS…

Membership & Licence

Application for Membership & Licence to act as an Insolvency Practitioner Application for Ordinary Membership for an applicant who can show that he/she: has passed the Joint Insolvency Examination (JIE)…

A reminder on Insolvency Practitioner exclusion from Financial Conduct Authority regulation

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, May 2020): Michelle Thorp, CEOCarrie James, Immediate Past PresidentInterested in a secondment at the IPA?A reminder on the Statements of Insolvency Practice consultationAn overview of the…

A reminder on the Statements of Insolvency Practice consultation

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, May 2020): Michelle Thorp, CEOCarrie James, Immediate Past PresidentInterested in a secondment at the IPA?An overview of the 5th Money Laundering DirectiveA reminder on Insolvency Practitioner…

An overview of the 5th Money Laundering Directive

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, May 2020): Michelle Thorp, CEOCarrie James, Immediate Past PresidentInterested in a secondment at the IPA?A reminder on the Statements of Insolvency Practice consultationA reminder on Insolvency…

Carrie James, Immediate Past President

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, May 2020): Michelle Thorp, CEOInterested in a secondment at the IPA?A reminder on the Statements of Insolvency Practice consultationAn overview of the 5th Money Laundering DirectiveA…

Michelle Thorp, CEO

Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, May 2020): Carrie James, Immediate Past PresidentInterested in a secondment at the IPA?A reminder on the Statements of Insolvency Practice consultationAn overview of the 5th Money…

Government Consultations Personal Insolvency

2019 Breathing Space and Statutory Debt Relief Plan IPA Response to the Scottish Parliament Consultation on the review of The Bankruptcy and Debt Advice (Scotland) Act 2014 2016 Response of…

Associate Member

An applicant for Associate Membership should usually: Have passed the CPI or CPPI and at least one of the papers of the Joint Insolvency Examination (JIE); or Have 2 years’…