
Results found: (10)

Joint Insolvency Examination (JIE)

Please ensure you are a Student member of the IPA before applying. Fees are payable to the Joint Insolvency Board. JIE Syllabus and Examiners Reports E&W JIE Syllabus and Examiners…

Complaints Guidance Leaflet

Click here for the complaints leaflet and how the process works If you have any issues or queries regarding the complaints process please email

Make a Complaint

The following outlines how you make a complaint about one of our members and the IPA’s process for dealing with that complaint. We act in the public interest and seek…

Joint Insolvency Committee - JIC

The Joint Insolvency Committee (JIC) develops, improves and maintains insolvency standards from a regulatory, ethical and best practice perspective. JIC promotes consistency across the profession. It acts as a forum…

Registered Property Receivers Scheme

A distinguished mark of accreditation The Registered Property Receivers (RPR) scheme was launched in 1999, with the objective of accrediting professionals who carry out fixed charge or Law of Property Act receivership work, in order to offer assurance…

Enforcement Notices

Disciplinary and Regulatory Notices This section details disciplinary and regulatory notices against IPA members for the past three years. 2024 2023 2022 Anti-Money Laundering Case Studies We have prepared some…

Other Regulation & Guidance

Please find below some useful links to additional guidance issued by the IPA and other organisations: Insolvency Guidance Papers (Control of Cases, Succession Planning, Bankruptcy the Family Home, Control of…

Regulation Overview

All IPA members are required to act in accordance with the IPA’s Ethics Code for Members, which incorporates the joint Insolvency Code of Ethics approved by the Joint Insolvency Committee (JIC).  Insolvency Practitioners…

Become a Sponsor

The IPA is a membership body recognised for the purposes of authorising (licensing) insolvency practitioners (IPs) under the Insolvency Act 1986 and is the only one of the recognised bodies…

Membership overview and benefits

The Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) is the UK’s leading recognised professional insolvency body of and for individuals and firms working in insolvency practice or in insolvency related fields; or who…