Meet a Committee member: Richard Long, member of the Disciplinary and Appeals Committee
Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, November 2020):
- Michelle Thorp, CEO
- Kevin Hellard, President
- Events update
- Liquidations in the Republic of Ireland after 31 December 2020
- NCA makes first Bounce Back Loan fraud arrest
- Membership and licence renewals
- Job vacancy: Regulation Officer
- IPA’s spooky Halloween quiz for Crisis
- Totum Pro discount card for IPA student members
- Five minutes with…

What is your career background?
Like so many, I originally started in auditing and in 1972 moved to Leonard Curtis & Co to train in insolvency. In 1979 I moved to Thornton Baker (Now Grant Thornton), first as a senior and then leaving in 1986 as a partner designate, as I had been headhunted to join Alcombes, a small specialist boutique firm, as a partner. Alcombes merged with Robson Rhodes, where I was an equity partner until 1993 when I was invited by Shirley Jackson to join Begbie Norton. In 1996, I started Richard Long & Co and to be frank I cannot believe that was 24 years ago. Time flies when you are enjoying yourself. My experience in both large and small practices has been invaluable, and I have been able to implement the best of both into my practice.
How did you join the Disciplinary and Appeals Committee?
I have always believed that it is only right that we should give back to the profession we thoroughly enjoy. I volunteered my services to the IPA, and over the years I have served on the following committees: Membership & Authorisation, Investigation, Constitution and now the Disciplinary and Appeals. I served on Council (now the Board) for many years and was honoured to be elected President back in 2003. It is because of my background that I was asked to join what was then the Disciplinary Committee and became chairman a few years later. The two Disciplinary and Appeals committees became one in 2019, and I am now Co-Chair.
What is the value to you of being on this Committee?
The integrity of the insolvency profession is constantly being challenged, either in the press, by MPs or others. It is therefore of paramount importance that our standards are second to none. A matter is referred to the Disciplinary Committee by the Regulation and Conduct Committee when there is a matter of concern. The committee is made up of insolvency practitioners, solicitors, barristers and other stakeholders, who, when sitting as a Tribunal, ensure that our members’ views and explanations are taken into careful and fair consideration.
If you weren’t an Insolvency Practitioner, what would you be doing?
I shall be in this position at the end of this year, as in planning for my retirement I relinquish my licence after 34 years and my partners take over the running of my practice. Many readers know that I am actively involved in running a charity that supports the Maasai community in Kenya (, and this will continue to take up a lot of my time. I am also a passionate photographer (, and updating the website and producing books for my family from my vast archive will also keep me busy.