Samantha Keen, President

Hello everyone. No doubt the current economic and political turmoil is providing opportunities for you to help clients navigate these uncertain times, as we head towards the tail end of the year. Don’t forget that membership and licence renewal notices have gone out, so please review ahead of the deadline of 30th November for licences and 31st December for all other renewals. The process is designed to be easy and efficient. If you have any queries, you can find guidance here. I hope that you continue to feel the benefits of your IPA membership and are satisfied with the service and benefits provided.

On that subject, I am pleased by the recent introduction of a new benefit for IPA members, with discounted meeting rooms available in London. Read more here. If you would like the IPA to consider other member benefits, please email – we always welcome feedback.

We are currently in the midst of a busy live events season, offering members both learning and networking opportunities. I recently hosted the Roadshow in Leeds and really enjoyed seeing our members and hearing our speakers’ insights – thank you for the great feedback we received on the event.

I look forward to hosting this afternoon’s London Roadshow, the final event of the series, hosted by our sponsors Marsh. We have an extensive line-up of speakers and an exciting programme of matters on the agenda, including: Giorgio Corno, Deputy President of INSOL Europe; Frances Coulson, Partner at Wedlake Bell and INSOL Europe Council member; Martin Swain, Director of Strategy, Policy and Planning at Companies House; Peter Arnold, Chief Economist at EY and Stephen Baister, Former Chief Registrar for the High Court – and many more. I look forward to the afternoon and the opportunity to see many of you there.

My thanks to all those who sent in nominations for the IPA Awards. Judging is underway, and we are looking forward to welcoming to you a special reception in London on the evening of 9th November to celebrate the winners. There will be a three-course hot buffet and a wide range of drinks served throughout the evening, as well as the company of many from the profession and linked fields, and finalists in each category.

The final 2022 module in the popular IPA Learning series of online lunchtime webinars is approaching (being a review of corporate insolvency in 2022).

With the economic climate in a state of turbulence, as well as potential changes to the personal insolvency framework on the horizon though the current consultation, the programme of matters to be examined and discussed at this year’s Personal Insolvency Conference is of particular importance. Matters on the agenda include bankruptcy, vulnerability in insolvency, case law developments, IVAs and impact of the cost-of-living crisis. We will hear insights from Dean Beale, Insolvency Service CEO; Peter Tutton, Head of Policy at StepChange;  Amy Taylor, Chair of Greater Manchester Money Advice Group, and many more.

I am delighted that we can now announce the date for the IPA Diversity Forum titled “The Power of Diversity – Unlocking Talent in Insolvency” is set for Wednesday 8th February 2023 in collaboration with R3 and the Insolvency Service. The Forum’s aim will be to help delegates to better integrate diversity and inclusion into their businesses, assisted by a range of speakers discussing diversity and inclusion from different perspectives, with a particular focus on social mobility and how we can attract and retain people from all walks of life into insolvency. Further announcements to come.
