IPA membership renewals deadline approaching

IPA workshops on the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020

A two-part series of online workshops focused on the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020. These workshops will examine the temporary changes to the corporate insolvency regime, and the permanent new procedures and processes now in place for businesses facing financial difficulty. During the workshops we’ll discuss the circumstances in which they could be applied and look at the compliance and regulatory issues that may arise in doing so. 

In joining the workshops, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and raise issues. Course documentation and a recording will be available (included in your fee) following the live event.

Workshop 1

The Moratorium

Tuesday 28 July 2020, 10:00 – 11:30 | 1.5 hours CPD | £75 + VAT               


  • Alison Curry, LLB Hons MIPA MABRP, Director of Insolvency Support Services
  • Dave Holland, IPA Chief Inspector
Alison Curry
LLB Hons MIPA MABRP, Director of Insolvency Support Services

CPD learning outcomes:

  • An overview of the legislation and its structure
  • An introduction to the principles of the new moratorium procedure
  • Appointment, role and responsibilities of the monitor
  • Monitor’s fees
  • Extension and cessation of the moratorium
  • Succeeding appointments
  • Likely use and application of the process
  • Key regulatory issues and guidance on approach

Workshop 2

Arrangements and Reconstructions for Companies in Financial Difficulty

Wednesday 5 August 2020, 10:00 – 11:30 | 1.5 hours CPD | £75 + VAT 


  • Eileen Maclean, MA Hons MIPA MABRP MBA, Director of Insolvency Support Services
  • Dave Holland, IPA Chief Inspector
Eileen Maclean
MA Hons MIPA MABRP MBA, Director of Insolvency Support Services

CPD learning outcomes:

  • An overview of the legislation and its structure
  • An introduction to the principles of Arrangements and Reconstructions for companies in financial difficulty
  • Likely use and application of the process and key issues
  • Using a moratorium
  • Completion and exit
  • Distinction between s26 Scheme of Arrangement and new s26A Reconstruction
  • Key regulatory issues and guidance on approach

Booking form: