Anti-Money Laundering case studies
Other articles (Anti-Money Laundering Essential Briefing, August 2021):
We have published a series of anonymised case studies that are examples of non-compliance with the 2017 Money Laundering Regulations by members, which did not result in a penalty (financial or non-financial) being levied against a member.
These examples arose either from inspection visits or complaints, where the issue was dealt with via an Advisory Notice, requiring a member to take remedial action to correct, amend or update an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy or procedure. These examples also arose from matters considered by the IPA’s Regulation & Conduct Committee (R&CC) where the R&CC considered that no penalty should be imposed.
These case studies show you the many reasons why strong AML practice is critical in your work. They can be found on our new enforcement notices page, here.