Apply for an IPA licence
This section provides information about applying for an IPA insolvency licence.
Why take an insolvency licence with the IPA?
The IPA is the only Recognised Professional Body (RPB) solely dedicated to the insolvency profession with a longstanding record of maintaining and developing professional standards.
The IPA was the first RPB to introduce insolvency-specific ethics guidance for its members.
The IPA has a well established and continuing commitment to improving standards in all areas of insolvency (and related) work.
The IPA continues to be a leading voice on insolvency matters contributing to the development of Government policy.
All new licence holders with the IPA will receive a structured introduction programme with tailored benefits as follows:
- A complimentary welcome to IPA Regulation webinar which counts towards your regulatory CPD requirements. – 2 CPD hours
- A personalised introductory session with an IPA Inspector
- A complimentary Regional Roadshow event of your choice (7 locations, up to 4 CPD hrs per event)
- A 10% discount off all IPA Learning webinars for 12 months
Which licence is right for you?
As an RPB, the IPA offers the following types of insolvency licence. Click the relevant licence below to view further information, including eligibility and how to apply.
For all types of insolvency appointment: individuals, partnerships and companies
For individuals who have attained the qualifications and experience required for taking appointments but choose not to do so. This type of licence recognises their professional standing.
For individuals who have passed only one of the two papers in the Joint Insolvency Examination.
Personal insolvency only licence: for insolvency appointments in relation to individuals only
Corporate insolvency only licence: for insolvency appointments in relation to companies only
IPA membership is required in order to hold an IPA insolvency licence. Both membership and licence can be applied for here.