Exam Dates and Application Forms

The next CPI/CPPI sitting will take place on 9 June 2025. Registration will open in February.

Please take the following into consideration if you are not registered as a Student and wish to apply for an exam before the deadline:

  • We are unable to activate your Student Membership until payment is made. Once your membership is activated you will automatically receive access to the exam forms on our website when they are available.
  • We are unable to complete your application without your referee letter.
  • IMPORTANT: If any issues are disclosed in your Student Membership form about your suitability this will need to be considered by our Regulation and Conduct Committee and submitted 2-3 weeks in advance of a meeting.  The Committee usually meets every 4-6 weeks.  Once the meeting has been held and the minutes have been approved by the Chair and confirmed to the Membership team (usual timeframe is 15 business days), we will write to you to confirm the outcome of your application.

Placed students will receive an invite to the conference or awards evening and will have an opportunity to join the Rising Professionals Networking Committee.

It is recommended you train with a course provider before sitting the CPI or CPPI exams.

Student Membership is essential in order to sit an IPA exam.

Please ensure that you are a student member of the Association before completing the exam entry form. Students who have not paid for their membership will be unable to sit the exam.

Any special requests must be submitted when completing the exam entry form. Special requests will not be considered by the Chief Examiner after the deadline has passed.

Joint Insolvency Examination Dates

Corporate Examination 12 November 2024

Personal Examination 13 November 2024

Guidance Note

Although it is not compulsory, the IPA does recommend that all students who wish to sit one of the suite of exams have a minimum of two to three years practical insolvency experience, covering the areas to be examined, and have also attended a structured training course with one of the training organisations. 

The CPI suite of exams are challenging examinations which are intended to test insolvency professionals technical and practical knowledge. 

Requests for special circumstances should be submitted when applying for the examination.  Any medical information or special educational needs documentation will be treated with the strictest confidence.

The exam is a three hour online paper.  Additional information and guidance concerning the format of the online exam is provided to candidates in advance of the exam.

Please note you will need to be an IPA student member in order to sit these examinations. 


2024 Exam Fees

CPI £450
Appeal £200


You can chose to defer your exam should you be unable to sit the exam. You can only defer once. Deferrals must be taken at the next available examination date. For more information, please email the membership team (membership@ipa.uk.com).


If you have been unsuccessful in passing the CPI or CPPI and would like to appeal the mark you have been given, you have one month from the date of receiving your exam mark to appeal. The appeal process can take up to three months.

All appeals must be made in writing and paid before your appeal will be considered.

If your mark is changed to a pass, the appeal fee will be returned. Should the mark remain the same, the IPA retains the fee.

The Chief Examiner’s decision is final.

It is IPA policy not to return completed papers or recordings of exams.