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FCA warnings: Impersonation, unauthorised firms and unsolicited emails

21 March 2023

FCA warnings: StepChange Debt Charity impersonators

We draw your attention to the following warnings published by the FCA regarding a number of websites that seek to impersonate StepChange Debt Charity: | FCA

Step to Change / Step Changing (clone of FCA authorised firm) | FCA

Step for Debt Free / | FCA

Step Clear to Change | FCA

Anyone seeking debt advice should not use these websites and should seek a properly authorised and regulated Insolvency Practitioner. Anyone struggling with debts is encouraged to visit the ‘guides for people in debt‘ section of the IPA website, which includes debt guides and links to organisations such as Money Helper which can assist with getting debt help and understanding the different ways to pay off debts.

FCA warnings: unauthorised firms

We draw your attention to the following warnings published by the FCA regarding two websites that are unauthorised:

National Debt Assistance / | FCA

Debt Advice / | FCA

Women Dealing with Debt / | FCA

The FCA have also published a warning regarding which is falsely using the details of an FCA authorised firm: (clone of FCA authorised firm) | FCA

Anyone seeking debt advice should not use these websites and should seek a properly authorised and regulated Insolvency Practitioner. Anyone struggling with debts is encouraged to visit the ‘guides for people in debt‘ section of the IPA website, which includes debt guides and links to organisations such as Money Helper which can assist with getting debt help and understanding the different ways to pay off debts.

FCA warning:

We draw our members’ attention to the following warning published by the FCA regarding

Consumer Consultancy UK | FCA

Members have reported receiving unsolicited emails from Consumer Consultancy UK asking whether they would consider new business introductions of IVA clients. The firm is unauthorised. The IPA does not endorse any company that may target you with unsolicited messages.