Five minutes with… Kate Blakeway, Inspector at the IPA
Other articles (Insolvency Practitioner, October 2020):
How long have you worked at the IPA?
I joined the IPA in January 2019 as one of two new Inspectors. When I started, it turned out that we would be working on the IPA’s Volume Provider Regulation (VPR) scheme. I was excited to be involved in something new and keen to apply my previous experience in insolvency and financial investigation to help drive the scheme forward.
What does your role entail?
The scheme was introduced in order to provide continuous monitoring following the rapid growth of the IVA/PTD market, which presented regulators with new challenges.
My role has evolved massively from when I joined. There is always something going on in the world of VPR, so an Inspector’s role within this team is made up of so much more than visits.
What has been your highlight?
Not so much a highlight, but I am really proud of how far we have come in the VPR team. It can be challenging at times, but we work really hard and I can proudly say that we are an excellent team. I’m looking forward to seeing what my role will bring next!