Paul Smith, CEO
IPA Insolvency Practitioner newsletter, November 2023
Dear Members,
With the shadow overhanging the regulation of the sector lifted, I am delighted for our licence holders, members, staff, the profession collectively, and for the public at large that we can now press on in planning our approach to regulation for 2024 and beyond with certainty. It is evident that our close liaison with the Insolvency Service, attending every meeting post the initial consultation, and providing constructive input throughout, whether critical or otherwise, on all the suggestions brought forward, has ultimately led to the conviction that working for reform with the existing RPBs is both possible and, in the final analysis, the optimal solution.
Our discussions with the Insolvency Service and the other RPBs start in earnest in the New Year. Having had an initial discussion earlier this month, we will be looking forward to getting round the table to start more detailed discussion in January. Early progress will be needed to create some momentum behind reform.
This brings me on to my next topic, IPA Committees. There has been a long and hugely valuable voluntary contribution made by IPs and other professionals in the sector at Board and Committee level since our formation in 1961. These contributions are critical to the successful operation of the IPA, and we are hugely grateful to those within the sector who commit their time to us. We have numerous Committees addressing different topics, and at a time of change their work will provide essential input to the work of the IPA in pursuing reform in our direct conversations with the Insolvency Service and other RPBs. I invite you to express your interest in joining us in this work. If you are interested, please be in touch with me directly at:
As I write, we are in the midst of the licence and membership renewal process. The IPA spends 100% of its time focused on insolvency and is committed to the continuous improvement of membership benefits and services with the aim of being the RPB of choice for Insolvency Practitioners. Through our in-person and on-line events, 2023 has seen a broadening of the scope of specific topics covered, and a continued improvement in the quality of our events with speakers from all the major agencies that impact on the sector. 2024 will see a continuation of our efforts to helping support you to mitigate risks in the efficient delivery of insolvency solutions to your clients.
Thursday’s Personal Insolvency Conference is now imminent, and with a high number of attendees, including representatives from the Insolvency Service, Financial Conduct Authority and Advertising Standards Authority, as well as debt service providers and insolvency lawyers in the room, we should be in for a day of productive discussion. To those attending, I look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes,
Paul Smith