Samantha Keen, President

Hello everyone. I was sorry to miss last week’s IPA Diversity Forum through being unwell, but I heard we had an excellent and thought-provoking afternoon in the company of so many talented and dedicated people striving to make strong, permanent DEI change in our sector.

We heard valuable input from our speakers on a range of areas including how to get started in DEI, the DEI business case, ethnic and socio-economic diversity in focus, insights from two young professionals at EY on how they entered the profession, as well as an update from the Insolvency Service on what they are doing to tackle DEI issues in the profession. This included insight from R3 and updates from the Insolvency Steering Group supported by the IPA. The Forum was a very fitting way to kick off our live events schedule for 2023. Thank you to all at the IPA and my colleagues at EY for your work putting on the event. I am optimistic for the future of our sector.

I would like to remind members of how the Insolvency Code of Ethics applies practically to your work, looking to matters such as payments to insolvency office holders and their associates from an estate, and rules around advertising. Personal insolvency practitioners will be aware that changes to SIP 3.1 around advice and IVA referrals are due to come in shortly (from 1st March). To help members keep firmly up-to-date with requirements, the next IPA Learning module this year, scheduled for 16th March, will examine ethics and how they should dictate insolvency practice. The programme is being finalised and more details are coming soon. Places can be booked here.

Bookings for April’s Annual Conference have been strong, so I recommend you book soon if you plan to attend. With so much activity in our sector as well as the economic and political landscape, this year’s programme (full schedule TBA) will be of added significance. View our current confirmed speakers and further info here.  I hope to see you there!

Best wishes,
