Kevin Hellard, President

Hi everyone. As I write this, I do note that this will be one of my final newsletters. I look forward to April’s AGM and welcoming my Vice-President Samantha Keen as IPA President for 2022/23.

Directly after the AGM, the Annual Conference 2022 is set to be an engaging day examining the myriad of matters affecting our profession. Places are filling quickly and a 15% reduced early booking rate is available for a limited time only. Read more in this month’s issue.

I am delighted to see the high response rate to our member survey on the important matter of the Insolvency Service consultation on the future of regulation. This fed in well to Monday’s consultation meeting in London with members and it was felt that a very worthy discussion was had.

We really want to hear first hand from you, our members, about this very important matter and would encourage you, if you haven’t done so already, to come along to one of the remaining meetings. These are informal discussion forums and are for there for you to tell us how you would like us to respond on your behalf to the Insolvency Service.

It’s not long until the next consultation meeting in Manchester (1 March), and then we’re in Bristol for the final meeting on 3 March. Places are still available but are limited – read more and book here. You can access the member survey here if you are yet to respond.

Like the IPA, I’m sure you want to see the best possible outcome for the profession from this consultation. Thank you to those who have recently been involved in the IPA’s response.  
