The issue affecting IPA event booking forms is now resolved - online bookings have reopened.

Membership Overview

The Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) is the UK’s leading recognised professional insolvency body of and for individuals and firms working in insolvency practice or in insolvency related fields; or who have made a significant contribution to the knowledge and practice of insolvency; or are studying insolvency. 

Here you will find out why you should join the IPA, the joining process, the Membership Categories and Criteria, IPA Authorisation Regulations and Membership Application Forms

Please note that renewals forms for an existing membership (and Insolvency Practitioner licence) are sent out automatically in October. If you have not received your renewal form, please contact

If you are interested in applying for a licence to practice, please find the licence criteria and application form here.

Why join the IPA?

The IPA is the only recognised professional body exclusively concerned with insolvency, looking to set the agenda for the future of the profession and promoting its reputation among its many and diverse stakeholders. It leads in the profession and in the media on current issues such as individual voluntary arrangements and debt management companies; better regulation and the increasing focus on efficiency, value and outcomes for creditors; standards and the need to revisit and modernise statements of insolvency practice; and “whistleblowing”.

IPA membership provides…

…the valuable opportunity to be involved in its work and activities:

  • The right to use recognised designatory letters – MIPA, FIPA and AIPA
  • Use of the widely recognised IPA logo and brand on your letter heads, on your other communications and on your website (Ordinary, Fellow & Licence holders)
  • Make new contacts and network at conferences and gain knowledge on industry best practice
  • Attend or access professional training at preferential rates
  • Sit on IPA committees, where you can:
    • determine the IPA’s stance and action on current issues such as consumer over-indebtedness and debt solutions
    • determine the shape and future direction of regulation
    • influence government policy through representation
    • set financial budgets, subscriptions and fees
    • develop and advise on policy, practice, ethics and standards
    • consider Insolvency Practitioner standards and professional conduct
    • promote the insolvency profession
    • learn more about standards and how regulation works
    • design opportunities for networking and events
    • set and mark the IPA’s professional exams
    • look at how the IPA can extend its reach to others involved in or having an interest in insolvency
    • attract new and more diverse people to the profession.
  • Network with highly experienced senior professional members and knowledgeable staff in the IPA Secretariat
  • Receive a regular Insolvency Practitioner newsletter, which features news on developments in the profession
  • Use the panel of insolvency solicitors

Attendance at members’ meetings and conferences counts as continuing professional development, as does attendance at committee meetings.

Firm membership provides:

  • Use of the widely recognised IPA logo and brand on your letter heads, on your other communications and on your website
  • Onboarding packages for groups of firm Insolvency Practitioners with reduced paperwork and administration
  • The entitlement to vote at General Meetings, with enhanced voting for firms with more than three IPA authorised Insolvency Practitioners
  • Firm membership contributes to the quorum at General Meetings
  • Chair IPA Committees
  • Shape the future direction of the IPA and profession
  • Lower fees for IP appointment-taker licences

Student membership provides:

  • Substantial discounts on events and training
  • Receive training on all areas of insolvency and anti-money laundering legislation
  • For students (and their employers) entry to the highly regarded IPA exam suite, including the Certificate of Proficiency in Insolvency (CPI) and the Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Insolvency (CPPI) exams.
  • Entry to the joint insolvency examination, which is a requirement for obtaining an insolvency practitioner licence
  • Meet and network with some of the most senior and highly respected members of the insolvency profession through our committees
  • Get help with your career structure through the dedicated students group and mentoring programmes
  • Attend events dedicated to students
  • Get nominated for IPA Awards