IPA 2025 membership and licence renewals now open


Following our recent reminders, we are aware of a number of individual and firm members who as yet have not completed their membership renewal for 2021. You should have received an email containing a link to complete your renewal. For assistance, please contact membership@ipa.uk.com

Membership of the IPA confers benefits that helps to grow businesses and nurture careers. Individual members can use designatory letters on marketing material, learn about changes in the Profession, network at events for discounted rates, access our insolvency solicitor panel (providing savings on legal fees), gain firmer understanding the requirements of regulation through participation, take advantage of the opportunity to influence the Profession in many ways, and more.

As with individual members, firm members can also better understand regulatory requirements and have the opportunity to influence the Profession, as well as having the ability to obtain licences for Insolvency Practitioners at lower fees and use our logo on marketing material.

We are highly aware that this year has been extremely difficult for businesses and wish to support you. If you are facing challenges that may affect renewal, please do get in touch

This year’s renewals take place online, and you are also able to pay online. You can also pay via BACS. When paying by BACS, please ensure that your invoice number is quoted as a reference.  

As this is a new system, the membership team are on standby to support you and can be reached here. Please note that the renewal form does not work very well on Internet Explorer. We would advise that you use Chrome or any other browser.  

We very much hope that those whose renewal is outstanding continue as members and look forward to serving you in the year ahead.