Find out about our exciting Personal Insolvency Conference programme and group discounts
IPA Insolvency Practitioner newsletter, November 2021
- Paul Smith, CEO
- Kevin Hellard, President
- Insolvency news and alerts
- Anti-Money Laundering training reminder
- Covid safety at IPA events
- IPA Learning | Intangible Asset Recovery
- A day of celebrations for the IPA
- Licence renewals – deadline imminent
- Reminder: New member benefit brought to you in partnership with Dell
- SARs in Action
- Improvements to the Suspicious Activity Reports online portal
- Case law update
- HMRC updates

We look forward to welcoming you back to Manchester’s Lowry Hotel for the 12th Personal Insolvency Conference, as we examine the key matters in today’s personal insolvency sector and what lies ahead. We will also hear the latest on regulation from the IPA’s Inspectors.
- 09:30 Arrivals & Refreshments
- 10:00 Welcome & Introduction – Paul Smith, CEO, IPA
- 10:10 Myth busting, Mortgages, and the Future of Credit Scoring – James Jones, Head of Consumer Affairs, Experian
- 10:40 Personal Finance: Changing Trends in Fraud and Scams through the Covid Era and Beyond
- Jason Costain, Head of Fraud Strategy and Analytics, NatWest
- Q&A chaired by Paul Smith, CEO, IPA
- 11:25 Break
- 11:55 Insolvency Service Update – Dean Beale, CEO, Insolvency Service
- 12:10 Insolvency Service Presentations and Panel Discussion
- Dean Beale, CEO, Insolvency Service
- Claire Hardgrave, Head of Insolvency Practitioner Regulation, Insolvency Service
- Georgina Maskell, Senior Policy Adviser, Insolvency Service
- 12:40 Lunch (Provided)
- 13:40 The Current Political and Economic Landscape – Gideon Skinner, Research Director, Ipsos MORI
- 14:10 IPA Regulatory Session -David Holland, Chief Inspector, IPA
- 14:40 Legal Briefing – Louis Doyle QC and Jonathan Wright of Kings Chambers
- 15:10 Break
- 15:40 Supporting Clients with Gambling Debts – Raminta Diliso, Financial Harm Manager, GamCare
- 16:10 Community Action – John Shiels, CEO, Manchester United Foundation
- 16:40 Closing Remarks – Paul Smith, CEO, IPA
- 17:00 Drinks Reception & Networking
Group booking discounts apply
For bookings of 3-9 people (15% discount), enter PISG15. For 10+ people (25% discount), enter PILG25. *Member pricing also includes Member Firms, Affiliates, Honorary, Fellows, and Retired Members.