IPA Learning | AML: A Practical Guide to Risk Assessment

8th September 2022 | 12:30-14:00 | Online | CPD: 1.5 hours

Following our very successful Practical Guide to AML workshop in February 2022, we return to this very important subject with AML: A Practical Guide to Risk Assessment.

This workshop is designed to help you with your Regulation 18 risk assessment obligations and assist your IPA renewal and supporting AML reporting obligations.

AML threats and risks ebb and flow; MVL risk is a constant threat in insolvency, while recent sanctions have arisen out of the specific circumstances of Russian incursion into Ukraine. This workshop will look at current risks to IPs, what they are and how to spot them, and then deal with them. We will also include a practical guide to Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), including what to report and when.  

Full details of the workshop are: 

  • The importance of Regulation 18, the firm wide risk assessment, and how this feeds into policies and procedures
  • The current risks the IPA see, and what we expect to see as part of the renewal process
  • Effectiveness of policies and staff training in identifying and understanding risks
  • Timing of Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD), what checks are actually done, and the risks recorded
  • The impact of sanctions, changes to legislation and fines. 
  • SAR changes, updates to legislation and the impact on the profession of the failure to report suspicions – what to report and how to report
  • Bounce Back Loan (BBL) fraud and other frauds.

Save with group bookings!

For group booking rates (3+ people), please email events@ipa.uk.com.

Book now!

With thanks to our sponsor: