Important notice about your renewal

The deadline date for renewals for appointment takers has been brought forward for 2021, with the aim of providing a better experience for members.

Please note the appointment takers deadline will now be 30 November 2021.

Non-appointment takers and all other members will need to ensure their renewals are submitted no later than 31 December 2021.

Essential documentation:

In order to complete your appointment taker renewal, you will need:

  • Your IPA username and password
  • Log in to your IPA website account to complete and submit your online renewal
  • A copy of your current enabling bond (pdf)*
  • A copy of your Professional Indemnity Insurance (pdf)
  • A copy of your Anti-Money Laundering Firm-Wide Risk Assessment (Microsoft Word document)
  • A Schedule of your open cases (Microsoft Excel document)
  • Payment

*Please note that we require a copy of your 2022 enabling bond before your 2021 enabling bond expires.


The renewals reminder will be sent from, so please ensure that you mark this email address as being safe.

If you have any queries or concerns about the renewals or your membership, please contact the Membership team on the above email, or call 020 8152 4980.

Thank you.