A call for successor IPs
IPA Insolvency Practitioner newsletter, March 2022
- Paul Smith, CEO
- Kevin Hellard, President
- Insolvency Service Future of Insolvency Regulation Consultation: IPA Response
- IPA Volume Provider Regulation Scheme 2021 Benchmark Report
- Russian sanctions
- Anti-Money Laundering: Suspicious Activity Reports update
- Upcoming events: Annual Conference selling fast; plus, get the competing requirements of insolvency and employment law right!
- Exclusive discounts on training from the IPA and our partners
- IPA Board Elections
- Case law update
From time to time, the IPA is responsible for transferring existing cases to new office-holders. This may arise because of an existing office-holder’s death, retirement, exclusion, or in other circumstances.
We have decided to establish a register of members who are willing to consider taking over such cases by way of a block transfer. When a need arises, the Secretariat will contact those on the register to seek to arrange an appropriate re-distribution of the work. A transfer may take place of an entire case-load, part only, a particular case-type only, or whatever is appropriate to the particular circumstances.
Anyone interested in discussing the possibility of joining the register is invited to contact Martina Panayi at martinap@ipa.uk.com.