2022 Roadshow Series – Northern Ireland and Cardiff this June
IPA Insolvency Practitioner newsletter, May 2022
- Paul Smith, CEO
- Samantha Keen, President
- HM Treasury approval of Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies AML Guidance
- Russian sanctions reminder
- AML training
- HMRC update
- A reminder to Insolvency Practitioners about their responsibilities under Statement of Insolvency Practice 9
- The return to an in-person Annual Conference…
- …and the Scotland Roadshow returns live too!
- The IPA Summer Party
- IPA Learning – The Importance of the Ethical Code: are you sure you’ve considered all the points?
- Exclusive discounts on training from the IPA and our partners
- Join an IPA Committee
- Reminder: new discount codes added to member benefit brought to you in partnership with Dell
- CPI training with BPP – special offer for IPA members (member login required to view)

After a great afternoon seeing our Scottish members in Glasgow, we’re looking forward to bringing attendees in Northern Ireland and Wales the latest insolvency profession updates, delivered by a carefully curated set of speakers, as well as updates on regulation from the IPA.
Northern Ireland (online)
13:00 – 16:30, 9th June 2022 | 3.5 hours CPD
Programme highlights:
- Economic Overview with Stuart Anderson, Head of Public Affairs, Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce
- Northern Ireland Insolvency Service: Planning for the Future with Richard Monds, Director of Insolvency, Northern Ireland Insolvency Service
- Legal Update Panel: David McAlinden, Rhuairi Maguire and Andrew Lightburn, MKB Law
- IPA Regulation update with Rowan Duffin-Jones, Senior Regulation Officer
Full programme TBA.
13:00 – 16:30, 16th June 2022 | 3.5 hours CPD | Capital Law, Tyndall St, Cardiff CF10 4AZ
Programme highlights:
- Economic Overview with Paul Slevin, President, Chambers Wales, and Ben Cottam, Head of Wales, Federation of Small Businesses
- Cyber Crime with DS Symon Kendall, Cyber Protect Officer, Tarian
- Insolvency Litigation with Charlotte May and Brett Eeles, Associate Directors at Manolete Partners
- Legal Update with Maria Coggins and Phillip Jones, Partners at Capital Law
- Inspector Session with Stuart Jary, IPA Inspector
Full programme TBA.
Meet your peers, our speakers and members of the IPA team in-person, and enjoy a drinks reception following the event!