Michelle Thorp, CEO

Hello everyone. I was so pleased by the engagement from members at this year’s Annual Conference, as well as enjoying the many sessions throughout the course of the day and noting the great feedback we received from attendees and others.

You can read a more detailed breakdown of the day in President Kevin Hellard’s article this month. I know that our Chief Inspector David Holland’s monitoring update was well-received as ever, and I’m sure that David did his usual fine job of condensing the many different strands of monitoring, inspection and technical activity here at the IPA into what our members need to know about. David has published a follow-up article in this month’s newsletter – a must-read, whether or not you were at David’s session on the day of the conference.

Also in this month’s issue is another case law update from our corporate partners, Manolete PLC, following their session on the same topic at the Annual Conference, featuring Tom Poole QC amongst other legal experts.

I was pleased by the publication of this year’s IPA Annual Report, especially after the tumultuous year 2020 was, and not to mention our programme of activity across regulation, inspections, technical work, our student members and external affairs, which continues.

As well as work such as the our risk-based IP profiling system and targeted operations in the personal insolvency space, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), always a crucial aspect of our work, is yet more prominent at the moment – not least because of the dramatic rise in fraudulent activity that 2020 brought with it and continues to produce.

I strongly advise all members to read and take note of the AML alerts that we are sending out on behalf of the Accountancy AML Supervisors’ Group (AASG). As we wrote about last month, members can expect new AML monitoring processes from the IPA, which we will communicate about in good time. If you haven’t already, members whom we supervise for AML must follow the Economic Crime Manifesto from the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB).

I hope you enjoy reading this month’s newsletter.
