Paul Smith, CEO
IPA Insolvency Practitioner newsletter, September 2021
- Kevin Hellard, President
- Insolvency news and alerts
- Training from the IPA and our partners
- IPA events update: Roadshows, Personal Insolvency Conference and a special celebration…
- Covid safety at IPA events
- Renewals
- Registration for the Joint Insolvency Examination
- New government Debt Management Vulnerability Toolkit
- Money Advice Service rebrand
- Case law update
- HMRC updates
Hello all. My second article for the IPA already! Amongst other activity since first writing, I have enjoyed attending meetings observing the operation of our Standards, Ethics and Regulatory Liaison; Regulation and Conduct; Finance and Risk; and External Affairs and Member Services Committees, as well as the Board, and getting further to grips with the way that we work. The committees are critical to the way the IPA functions, and my sincere thanks to the many IPA members and lay members who devote their time and expertise to these forums.
To begin, I would like to highlight to members a few important insolvency news matters that are contained within this issue of the newsletter:
- A recent notice was issued on a revised response to section 10 of R3’s Bounce Back Loans FAQs.
- On the AML front, the very challenging news coming from Afghanistan has led the FCA to highlight how this may give rise to the risk of financial crime linked to the crisis.
- In August, we sent out a notification on the consultation for a revised Statement of Insolvency Practice (SIP) 3.1 (Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs)). With the considerable change that the IVA sector has seen, make sure your views are heard on this important proposal.
You can read our insolvency news updates in full here.
You will also likely be aware of the published All-Party Parliamentary Group Fair Business Banking report on the insolvency sector. We have chosen to consider the report carefully before commenting, and you can read our initial thoughts on the report in our President Kevin Hellard’s article this month.
To add to Kevin’s rundown of our busy events calendar in this month’s issue, I would like to remind members that you can enjoy a host of discounts with insolvency training providers Insolvency Support Services and BPP that all count towards CPD requirements – read more about this in this month’s issue, here. We continue to work hard to bring our members enhanced benefits that are valuable to your day-to-day work and career.
Last, but certainly not least, what an honour it is to lead the IPA in its 60th year. To mark this occasion, we are bringing people from across the insolvency profession together for a special celebratory evening at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) at Savoy Place in central London on the 11th November, which will follow our London Roadshow, and would love to see you there. Read more about the event in this month’s issue.