Spotlight on Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud (CPD: 5h)

Venue: The ICC, 8 Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 2EA

Just one week to go!

It’s vital to stay aware of developments and meet regulatory requirements to ensure that you stay protected from Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and fraud threats. This area of insolvency practice remains fast-moving and a particularly pressing matter for all insolvency practitioners.

Join us at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in central Birmingham for our full-day Spotlight on AML and Fraud conference. Hear from expert speakers from across the sector, including the City of London Police, the Insolvency Service, HMRC, Companies House, the National Crime Agency (NCA) and UK Finance, and learn how to protect yourself from financial crime and avoid compliance pitfalls.

Places are limited and have been selling quickly for this event – reserve your place now!

Book here